Wednesday, March 31, 2010

microderm abrasion plants

Is it just me or is this just some sadistic beauty industry term for sand blasting of the face?

Plus I got a pimple! Ugh, I guess the random pimple is better than wrinkles, thank you Dad's side of the family.

So, yesterday I purchased a flat of perennials. Ok, Crazy early for zone 5, but they had delpheniums, fox glove and poppies for 3 plants for .99! It is supposed to warm up here this week, so I am to follow my late Mothers advice. "Honey, it is people like us who keep nurseries in business. We buy early, and if that doesn't work we buy again and again!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    You are very brave to be planting this eary! I am going to add your blog to my blog list so I can see how another Zone 5'er gardens. It will be so exciting for me!

    I had to laugh about your lowriser sunburn!

    I hope we both have a great garden season!
